Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is exactly what Rihanna said in her interview with Diane Sawyer this morning on Good Morning America. For the first time, the young talented pop singer spoke out about the abusive details of her relationship with Chris Brown and stated that she was "ashamed" because it's "embarassing that that's the type of person [I] fell in love with." She also encourages women in similar situations of domestic violence not to react off of love. The singer said that "love is so blind" and that this form of abuse "could happen to anybody." The 21-year-old singer realized it was a mistake that she had gone back to Chris Brown just a few weeks after he assaulted her and didn't want to send that type of message to other women who were in abusive relationships because, as she stated, "even if Chris never hit [me] again, who's to say that another guy won't hit or even kill his girlfriend after she goes back to him?" Sources from E! Online say that the full interview will air tomorrow night (Friday) on 20/20.

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