Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why Do We Like to Believe the Celebrity Hype?

What is so good about gossip? Why do we like hearing it or reading it so much, and why do we like feeding into it? Gossip is defined as idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It is actually one of the oldest and most common means of sharing unproven facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted ( word gossip also carries implications that the news passed along usually has a personal or trivial nature, unlike that of normal conversation. In a sense, gossip isn't completely bad, being that it has the intent of fostering and building a sense of community with shared interest and information. Which brings me to the purpose of my blog. My blog followers and I share a common interest, which is celebrity news. While doing research on the topic I wasn't really able to find information on exactly why celebrity gossip is so important or interesting. I guess the reason is because as regular people, it makes us feel like we have some sort of gateway into the personal lives of our favorite celebrities. We can't personally know them so we do the next best thing which is to find information on the Internet or in magazines or television shows so we can know things about them. It makes us feel as if we have some sort of insight to their lives.